White Walker Night King

Product Details

Top quality foam latex prosthetic. Watch our tutorial link to see how it's applied and painted using PAX Paint. You can use just PAX or Rubber Mask Grease paint (RMG) or combine your 'kit' with a mix of both. RMG is a special castor oil grease paint that is specially made for rubber prosthetics. It's your choice, using PAX and or RMG. 

This is for the FACE ONLY. You can add items as follows:

Pro Application Kit includes:
1oz Pro Adhesive
Setting Powder
2 RMG Makeup
3-1oz PAX Paint in greys & blues
1/2 oz PAX Paint white
1 Powder Puff
4 Foam Wedges
1 Brush Set
2oz Adhesive Remover
1 chip brush
pair or gloves

Add these extras as well:

Singles 1oz PAX Paint. 4 different colors, choose 1 or more.

Rubber Mask Grease Paint. We suggest 3 different colors White, Blue, Black that you would mix your own colors with these to suit. Set with translucent powder.

CLICK Link to watch How To Tutorial

White Walker Night King

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